The Free French Association (AFL) was dissolved as such on June 18, 2000 and was replaced, in a duty of memory and to continue to convey to younger generations the values of Free France in the Foundation of France Free which had officially seen the light of day on June 18, 1994.
The war ended, the victory obtained, those who had responded to the call of General de Gaulle and had signed a commitment for the duration of the war very naturally wanted to keep a link that could allow them to find each other.
It was for this purpose that General de Gaulle decided in the fall of 1945 to create the Association of Free French. He was its Honorary President. Very many were those who, having fought on land, sea, in the heavens or in hiding, adhered to this association having on the one hand a character of social mutual aid and on the other hand the responsibility for the past of the Free French before be remembered on symbolic occasions.
To preside over it succeeded those who were among the most glorious fighters of the Free French Forces. General de LARMINAT (1945-1962), General Louis DIO (1962-1969), Admiral LA HAYE (1969-1978), General Jean SIMON, chancellor of the Order of the Liberation (1978-2000).
Since September 1979, its head office has been located at 59, rue Vergniaud in the 13th arrondissement where it occupies a building which belonged to the former Belgian Combatants of 1914-1918 and which was acquired after the 2nd World War by the city of Paris, city Companion of the Liberation, which kindly allowed the Association of Free French to set up its offices and reception rooms there.
In 1988, during their congress, the Free French, by a large majority, decided that they would cease their associative activity on June 18, 2000, because they did not want, given the degradations due to the effects of age, unfortunately observed for many, to give an image of themselves too degraded and contrary to the memory they wanted to leave. However, aware of the duty of memory for which they were responsible, the Free French decided to create a Foundation.
Decree of June 16, 1994 recognizing a foundation as an establishment recognized as being of public utility
The Free French are those who joined forces with General DE GAULLE between June 1940 and August 1943 to resist the occupier and participate in the liberation of France.
This site, of great interest, lists to date the names and often the stories of 52,215 free French.
It is unique.