Georges Caussanel left his job at the DGER in May 1945.

From the founding of the RPF, as a true Gaullist, he joined this movement at the beginning of 1947; this made, that by doctrinaire spirit cause of a total intellectual dishonesty, some of its old "friends" anchored politically on the left, completely minimized its action in the Resistance (to the point of not quoting it in the supposedly historical works on the resistance tarn-et-garonnaise), although their own resistance action (without wanting to minimize it) was not at the same level

In 1947 he settled with his wife and son in the village of Arcambal in the Lot, where he was, until his death, in 1958, president from Free French Association of the Lot department.

Although he is severely disabled and physically disabled (100% and 7 degrees of disability), he was also a member of the board of directors and of the various commissions of the Office des Combattants du Lot, member of the management committee. of the Union de la Résistance Lotoise, deputy secretary general of the UFAC (French Union of Associations of Combatants and War Victims), member of the Commission of Volunteer Combatants of the Resistance.

Installed at the "Bousquet" in 1947, he moved in 1953 to the Arcambal station which was managed, after his death, by his wife Marjanna (Marie) until 1962.

On July 14, 1952, he was decorated with the Legion of Honor in a military capacity; Paul Guiral, whose daughter Suzanne had been approached for the same decoration, but who was not promoted that day, carried away by his sharp and angry character, sent a rather unworthy letter to the competent authorities (appearing in the National Archives) claiming that my father had "schemed" with his "friends" of the RPF (Paul Guiral was a socialist and did not approve of my father's membership in the RPF, the Gaullist party) that he was not as sick as he said he was, that he had "usurped" his invalidity and that his daughter Suzanne was as affected as him (alas, the following proved that no, my father Georges was killed by the disease at the age of 34, in 1958, and Suzanne Guiral died at the age of 81 in 1999).

His insistence and the excess of his words, which greatly upset his interlocutors, resulted in his daughter not being promoted until ... 5 years later. Following this, a quarrel settled between my father Georges and Paul Guiral who no longer saw each other.

Paul Guiral also quarreled with many people as well as with his own daughter Suzanne, who did not even attend her funeral.

In spite of everything, the death of his old and faithful friend Georges known as "Mickey" affected him deeply; he cried several times and barely ate for 3 days. (narrated by his nephew, Georges Guiral)
He wrote and read a very beautiful eulogy at my father's funeral in the church of Verlhaguet (82). He died 3 years later in 1961 at the age of 78.

In July 1954, Georges Caussanel was asked, at the initiative of General de Gaulle, to investigate a fairly controversial local personality. Although very weakened by illness at this time and no longer belonging to the Services, he collected information which he transmitted to whom it may concern.

Text and photos © Serge Caussanel
(personal archives)


Meeting of resistance fighters in Cahors in 1957 -

From left to right: Georges CAUSSANEL, the prefect of Lot, one of the leaders of the Toulouse Resistance Lt Colonel Alexandre MONNOT known as "Villeneuve" then "St Remy", regional head of the S.R of the M.U.R /M.L.N- GALLIA Kasanga network

write to me

Death notice published in the local press under the heading "Arcambal" in September 1958

An error was made in the text, indeed, my father did not have the military medal

Monument aux morts de Verlhaguet

Dead for France, Georges CAUSSANEL is inscribed in the monument to the dead of Verlhaguet and rests in the cemetery not far from there.

Legion of Honor at the risk of his life

Georges Caussanel was a member of the association of those decorated with the Legion of Honor at the risk of their lives

The association of members of the Legion of Honor decorated at the risk of their life or "association of DPLV" is old. Its full members are Legionaries, military or civilian, having been appointed to the Order as a reward for acts of courage accomplished in the service of France and at the risk of their lives. Devoid of any political or religious character, this association is placed under the symbolic High Patronage of the Unknown Soldier.

Some eminent members who have joined the association:
The aviators Louis Blériot, Dieudonné Costes, René Fonck and Louis Breguet who distinguished themselves during the Great War,
Father Daniel Brothier, founder of the Orphelins apprentis d'Auteuil work, chaplain in Verdun and in the Somme,
Captain Jean Charcot, famous commander of the "Pourquoi Pas",
Alain Mimoun, Olympic champion, grand officer of the Legion of Honor, wounded in Italy in 1944,
Generals Yves Ezanno and Louis Dio, companions of the Liberation,
Generals Bethouar, Montsabert and Bigeard.

Association of members of the Legion of Honor decorated at the risk of their lives

4 years after the death of my father, Georges, my mother, Marjanna, received an official invitation to attend, on May 17, 1962, the reception of General de Gaulle, President of the Republic, given at the town hall of Cahors . We had a picture together after receiving a handshake and a few kind words from the general ... and, to my chagrin, as I find myself (admittedly a little behind) next to mum (that the you can see with a white hat), you absolutely cannot see me! I therefore gave myself the nickname of "invisible man".

That same day, General de Gaulle inaugurated in Cahors a plaque fixed on the birthplace of "Françoise" Dissart, who was part of the "Pat O Leary" escape network as head of the Toulouse region, then who took charge. head after the arrest of "Pat O Leary" (Dr Albert Marie Guerisse). My father "Mickey" met her once during his missions in Toulouse.


In 1956, my father, Georges CAUSSANEL, known as Mickey, made a certificate to highlight the acts of resistance of Arthur PARDO-CASADO (whose home was in Verlhaguet (82) during the war).

This one, who was also my godfather, had been under Mickey's orders, in intelligence, from May 1943.
He had in addition, been part of the 3rd company A.S of Tarn-et-Garonne.

Above, letter from Captain Arthur PARDO-CASADO (who was based in Germany at the time), relating certain facts of resistance and information.

Tickets de rationnement

Saturday May 16, 2020, 6:59 PM

During the war, essential foodstuffs were sorely lacking, especially for the people of the towns, but also for everyone except some farmers who had their own food production.

The state, from 1941, instituted ration tickets (food, textiles, charcoal, etc.) distributed to citizens according to their category (babies, children, adults, etc.).
Without these tickets, you couldn't buy these foodstuffs, and they limited the amount you could take, by paying for them, of course.
With the economic crisis engendered by the war and the occupation, these restrictions continued and even worsened until the end of 1949.

Some made a lot of money from the black market.


Living in Paris at the end of the 1960s, the Association des Français Libres put me in touch with Mr Alain Romans, a talented pianist, whom I met for some time and whose company, generosity and modesty I appreciated. He never told me about his war record, which I only learned about later.
You can find out more about his extraordinary story during the 39/45 war by following the links.

Dr Albert Marie GUERISSE

My father Georges bought Vincent Brome's book as soon as it came out in 1957.
When I was young, I had the opportunity to read it, and since then I've reread it several times.
Here is the biography of Dr Albert Guérisse, alias Pat O'Leary, sent to me by his son, Dr Patrick Guérisse O'Leary, whom I would like to thank warmly.

Extrait d'un listing de résistants-(en regard du nom, le nom du réseau) 
(Archives nationales)

Dominating the Lot; photo taken in 1956 with Georges Caussanel, his wife Marjanna and his son Serge.

Condolences from former combat comrades


Mention: Mort pour la France

Georges CAUSSANEL is "dead for France" on September 1, 1958



Le général de GAULLE et "Françoise" DISSART le  17/05/1962 à Cahors

From left to right: Mum, Emile Caussanel and Lucie, Arthur Pardo-Casado and his wife


Alain Romans décoré par le général de Lattre de Tassigny
Alain Romans
(Photos extraites du livre romancé de Barry Wynne:"Un cercueil de trop"


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